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A new theatre workshop at DNA. Would You like to turn a story into a play? Or perhaps even write a script that might then come alive on stage? That’s what we’re going to do in “No Drama Drama”.
From creating Your story, evolving it into a script to rehearsing and learning to see it through the eyes of the audience. Play with images and characters, go completely out of the box and ultimately create Your own performance or join our group "Theater Stück". Learn how theatre performance is created, what Chekhov‘s gun is and how to break the 4th wall.
Irina K. is a multi passionate artist. She’s been acting and directing in a musical theatre in Russia for 15 years, sings in a cover band Pink Noise, coaches singers and writes poetry, scripts and more. The message she conveys through all of her creative disciplines is “Be rebellious enough to be Yourself”. “Today I am most passionate about combining spoken word, performance and visual arts and creating a community of weirdos who share love for self expression and endless desire to live the dream - create the ultimate universe of self-expression and turquoise dinosaurs!”
Step into the spotlight, unleash Your creativity, and be part of a bold, original performance.
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+49(0)211 778 4411 *
* Montag bis Samstag von 09:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
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* An Werktagen, Montag bis Freitag 10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr